Attempting to avoid the Freshers Flu
Now many like me, before uni thought this so called dreaded flu is a myth…let me tell you we're wrong. Freshers flu strikes and it's bloody lethal, so the best way to combat it…head on. Now lets just put it out there, if your uni is like mine, you're still having fresher events even with you're first week of your course, this leaves you DRAINED. Thus weakening you and tiring you out, not to mention the alcohol levels you intake in the very first week, everyone thinks they're invincible after shots, don't even try to lie to me…I know! And with lack of sleep due to everyone always being loud, this leaves you worse for wear. I'm already suffering from the start of a cold that I really don't want to become full-blown. But like with many things there are ways around said 'freshers flu', and also mandatory things you just should do when starting uni and have to consider your health. - Register with your local doctors surgery, in the first few months...