I wouldn't call it homesickness but...

So this week I had no set clue about what I was going to blog about. I had been out on adventures and I knew I had elements I could talk about but my phone decided to completely hate me these last couple of weeks and glitch every 5 SECONDS. So transferring pictures seemed to be so much more hassle than it should've been, so therefore that's going to have to be postponed mostly because the rain also hindered our latest trip BUT new location and new adventure on Friday so you'll be seeing that soon. But don't be sad because I did have this gem of my outfit for the 90's party transferred onto my laptop already. I really LOVE this outfit, I felt the need to channel the Fresh Prince of Bel Air esque vibe and I felt so cool and cute, the 90's vibe has filtered into my wardrobe lately so look out for that post coming soon my friends. So since therefore all my adventure pictures aren't available a blog from the heart is what you guys get. As well as a totally pro...